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Os alunos do 6º ano conheceram histórias inspiradoras de personalidades famosas nas aulas de Língua Inglesa das Professoras Ana Maria da Silva, Michele Borges e Sabrina de Abreu.

Eles escolheram uma figura icônica, fizeram uma pesquisa sobre ela e compartilharam as informações com os amigos da turma.

A atividade prática ampliou o conhecimento sobre diferentes culturas e aprimorou as habilidades de expressão oral. Aqui tem inteligência Colégio Londrinense de ensinar.


Activity Description
Exploring Cultures: Culture 1 Activity from the 6th-grade book!
This recent activity led students to explore the fascinating lives of renowned personalities from different English-speaking countries.
Topic: Lives of famous personalities.
Proposal: Deliver an oral presentation about a famous personality of our choice.
It was a stimulating experience to choose a personality that inspires us and share a bit about them with our classmates. From research to presentation, each step taught us something new.
As we delved into the lives of these iconic figures, we expanded our knowledge of different cultures and discovered inspiring stories that further motivated us in our English studies.
This activity not only enhanced our oral expression skills but also connected us with the world around us in a unique and exciting way. We look forward to more adventures like this!
This activity was conducted by Teachers Ana Maria, Michele, and Sabrina.
